
Mixing Materials in Architectural Design

Mixing materials in architectural design isn't a new concept. In fact, architects have been designing schools, museums, cathedrals, and nearly every other building using a mix of materials for centuries. 

Combining different materials in architecture will end up playing a major role in the[...]

Benefits of Non-Ferrous Metals in Architectural Design

Non-ferrous metals are what brought us out of the Stone Age and into the Copper and Bronze Ages. From 4500 B.C. to 1500 B.C., copper and bronze dominated our primitive manufacturing systems.

Despite iron claiming the title as the most popular alternative for tools, weapons, and armor in 1500 B.C.,[...]

A Metal Moulding Installation Guide for Wary Contractors & Designers

The partnership between architect/designer and installer/contractor is often one of compromise, and stress. When it comes to decorative mouldings, the choice to use metal in place of traditional wood mouldings can raise an eyebrow or two. But today’s decorative metal mouldings offer an astonishing[...]

Can Copper Antimicrobial Products Make Hospitality Design Safer?

The coronavirus pandemic has forever changed the way many of us think about architectural design and materials.

Copper Welding: Interior Door Casing, Seamless Crown Moulding, & More

(Photo courtesy Miller Welds)

Can you weld copper? Absolutely. The trick is establishing the ideal joining method for your application.

DYK? Dahlstrom Architectural Mouldings & Doors Grace These 5 Landmarks

The biggest, boldest architectural projects in America demand unique solutions for both form and function. Dahlstrom Architectural Mouldings has provided famous clients with timeless products since 1904 -- timeless in both look and durability.

You'll be surprised by how many of these landmarks[...]

Sheet Metal Design Guide: End Distortion & Springback

Roll forming is the most cost-effective way to continuously produce complex shapes with multiple bends. But it’s not a perfect system. Engineers must understand and accept two particular quirks of roll forming before committing to the process: end flare and springback.

End flare, or end distortion,[...]

What Goes Into Roll Formed C & U Channel Prices?

To manufacturers, a channel is one of the most simplistic shapes on earth. This helps explain why channels are a commodity product -- they’re easy to make and extremely functional. As simple as a roll formed channel is, understanding C and U channel price factors is a little more complicated.

Architectural Wire Mesh & Perforated Metal Panels: 3 Benefits, 10 Uses

Architectural design aims to balance economy, elegance, and efficiency. Perforated metal paneling and wire mesh certainly apply to all three.

Supply System/Manufacturing Process Improvement Example: Roll Forming

Manufacturing process improvement can be tricky!

We all want to improve our manufacturing processes and create added productivity. We use scads of analysis, cost accounting numbers, and other manufacturing process improvement tools to evaluate our nonproductive processes. Our computer systems keep[...]


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