
Steel Doors: A History

With each passing year, more buildings are relying on steel doors. While the door is an assumed feature of a building, its story has developed continually.

How HOK Uses Architectural Metal to Support & Enhance Designs

If you’re interested in creative uses of architectural metal, look no further than HOK. They have many examples, but these are some of the most inspiring.

Build An Artisan Reputation With Luxury Metals | Architectural Metals

Copper. Brass. Bronze. Reminiscent of the pharaohs in Egypt, the temples of Sri Lanka, the Gothic cathedrals of the East. These are the red metals - luxury metals.

Find Your "Beauty": Aesthetic Architecture With Ornamental Metal

What Is "Aesthetic"?

Aesthetic: The nature of art and judgments of beauty; the creation and appreciation of beauty. “What is art?” and “What do we mean when we say something is ‘beautiful’?”

How to Harness Architectural Metals' Living Finish for Alluring Design

Those who work with architectural metals understand something that eludes the general populace: metal isn’t a cold, inanimate material.

Why Quick-Ship Metal Mouldings Are Awesome for Architects

Did you think roll forming had to take weeks and months to design, set up, and produce a quality product? We thought so, too. That is, until we realized we could standardize the roll forming process of a small selection of metal mouldings.

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