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List of Sustainable Architectural Materials | Exterior/Interior Design

For those working in architecture and interior design, the concept of sustainability is often of paramount importance. Not only do you want to create sustainable designs for personal and artistic reasons, but you also need to appeal to the needs of your clients – and most clients today want “green”[...]

Sustainable Architectural Materials: Does Bronze Count?

Sustainable architecture is increasingly becoming the norm due to pressure both from regulators, the general public, and the designers themselves. The push to better preserve our resources and our land has us all examining options for environmentally sustainable building materials.

Metal Mouldings: Care and Maintenance

(Photo courtesy Jack Gruszka of Full Spectrum Interiors Corp. -- Mountain Ridge Country Club in West Caldwell, N.J.) 

When performing maintenance on your metal mouldings, the most important thing to consider is the type of metal you’re working with.

Different metals require different levels of[...]

3 Benefits of Steel Doors in Industrial & Commercial Use

Every year, more building owners choose to install and use steel doors instead of traditional wooden doors, but why is that?

5 Decorative Metal Trim Ideas for Furniture & Appliances

From home decor to a growing number of commercial applications, decorative metal trim is setting trends in a variety of environments. It’s a great way to create a high-end look with a relatively small amount of material.

Metal Picture Rail Mouldings: Add Class to a Gallery, Museum, or Home

Picture rails are the least familiar of all metal mouldings. But that only means more opportunity for you, right?

Shunning picture hooks and the like in favor of picture rail mouldings (also known as gallery rail mouldings) is another sneaky-smart way to class up the mundane.

5 Uses for Metal Picture Rail Mouldings to Kick-Start Your Creativity

DIYers on Pinterest and other websites have been devising fun ways to use picture rails in interior design for years. But when are commercial and high-end residential designers going to catch up?

So You're Installing Commercial Metal Trim Moulding ... Now What?

Most contractors have seen and done it all. But when it comes to installing trim moulding, many of them have limited experience with metal.

Mixing Materials in Architectural Design

Mixing materials in architectural design isn't a new concept. In fact, architects have been designing schools, museums, cathedrals, and nearly every other building using a mix of materials for centuries. 

Combining different materials in architecture will end up playing a major role in the[...]

Benefits of Non-Ferrous Metals in Architectural Design

Non-ferrous metals are what brought us out of the Stone Age and into the Copper and Bronze Ages. From 4500 B.C. to 1500 B.C., copper and bronze dominated our primitive manufacturing systems.

Despite iron claiming the title as the most popular alternative for tools, weapons, and armor in 1500 B.C.,[...]


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